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Weitere Veranstaltungen, STUTTGART

Joeboy Live In Stuttgart

Zu den Öffnungszeiten
This is the first time Joeboy is coming to Europe with FULL LIVE BAND Performance of more than 1h30mins or more. Tickets are very very limited.Joeboy is a Young Afrobeat Pop Star, who has made waves in so many musics and futurings in his carear.His Music and voice is so captivatiing with so many song titles such as Alcohol, Adenuga, Baby, Body & Soul and just of resent he had a futuring with Neyo the American Super star title LOVE & ROMANCE. Just to name a few

Joeboy Live In Stuttgart

This is the first time Joeboy is coming to Europe with FULL LIVE BAND Performance of more than 1h30mins or more. Tickets are very very limited.

Joeboy is a Young Afrobeat Pop Star, who has made waves in so many musics and futurings in his carear.

His Music and voice is so captivatiing with so many song titles such as Alcohol, Adenuga, Baby, Body & Soul and just of resent he had a futuring with Neyo the American Super star title LOVE & ROMANCE. Just to name a few


von 48,89 €
bis 82,94 €
48,89 €
82,94 €


21:00 Uhr

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